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CY.express for WooCommerce: ship to Russia with ease


CY.express eliminates the need for online shoppers to worry about customs clearance in Russia. The result? Satisfied customers, greater confidence in overseas eCommerce and more repeat business for you.

You can use this plugin to integrate with CY.express and begin shipping to your customers. The plugin enables you to calculate the shipping costs, generate shipping labels and manifests, and provide order tracking.

Customs clearance is historically the most difficult and time-intensive aspect of shipping eCommerce parcels to Russia. With CY.express, we prepare customs paperwork as soon as the order is placed through your store and submit it automatically upon its arrival at the border, resulting in 1-day customs clearance and quick delivery to your customers. DDP option allows you to collect the customs duties upfront, ensuring that your customers don’t have to deal with the customs.


  • Instant shipping cost calculation
  • Automatic 1-day customs clearance via CY.express
  • Shipping label generation
  • DDP option: collect customs duties at the point of sale
  • Secure personal-data processing and enrichment
  • Reliable tracking
  • Shipping insurance
  • PUDO option: your customers can select a pickup point from a map

Many Russians are **afraid** of buying from abroad.


Because the Russian customs-clearance system is cumbersome, it's slow and can hit consumers with unexpected charges — a nasty surprise when all they want is to enjoy the freedom to shop online and experience the benefits of a global marketplace.

Enter CY.express — a frictionless interface between you and the huge potential of the Russian eCommerce market.

We give Russian shoppers the confidence to buy online because the entire cost of foreign transactions — the goods, the freight, customs charges, and Last Mile delivery are all shown at the point of sale.

Using CY.express fully-automated system, all necessary fees and personal data are gathered upfront. It’s simple, it’s efficient, and when word gets around, it will revolutionise the Russian eCommerce market, meaning a bigger market share for you and more choice for Russian consumers.

Team up with CY.express — we will help you breach the floodgates of the Russian eCommerce market.

Fota wobrazowki

  • Shipping and Customs Clearance costs calculated at checkout
  • Tracking and real-time updates available on all orders
  • Flexible integration settings
  • Manifest submission


Do we have to offer DDP delivery option?

No, this option can be toggled in the plugin settings. We highly recommed to enable it for the high-value items.


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Initial release