CustomCat Helper is a companion plugin for WooCommerce stores which are connected to the print-on-demand provider CustomCat. It provides several helpful features to automate processes in your store.
Stock Sync
Automatically fetch stock status for any of your CustomCat products and update your store to match! Can be configured to run at various intervals, optionally notifying the store admin when changes are made.
Tracking Number Sync
If you use a supported order tracking plugin, tracking numbers can be automatically pulled from the order notes and saved to the order. Currently the only supported plugin is AST.
You will need a CustomCat API key in order to enable stock sync. This API key is not related to your WooCommerce integration. You will need to create a separate API key for your store that will enable this plugin to fetch catalog data from CustomCat.
- Log in to CustomCat and go to the API Connect page
- Enter a Store Name and Store URL, then click Connect
- From the store settings page, go to the API tab
- Copy your Read-Only key, and paste it into the API Key field in the CustomCat Helper settings page
- Save your settings
- You can ignore warnings about missing payment information, etc. This API key is only used for stock sync, orders are still handled by your WooCommerce integration
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Protokol změnow
- Adds more logging to WooCommerce > Status > Logs
- Another bug fix to address issue where some products were being marked „discontinued“
- Bug fix to address issue where all products were being marked „discontinued“
- Updated stock sync to detect discontinued products and disable them in your store.