Tutón tykač je so dnja 6. decembra 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.
20. januara 2021
this is great. Too bad WordPress changed their policy and don’t allow adding new example plugins like this. This is super convenient as a starting point to develop my own plugin <3
1. oktobra 2019
Thanks for sharing this. It made it so much easier to implement a proper handling of data sets for a custom plugin. With the clear comments, it’s fairly easy to tweak once everything is in place.
7. junija 2019
Thank you for it.
31. januara 2019
Well explained!
30. januara 2019
This is incredibly helpful, well documented, and such a good example to follow. It really, REALLY helped me dig into the WP_List_Table class as well. Thank you for doing this!
19. decembra 2018
Saved me a lot of time implementing this class.
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