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Contact Form 7 Referrer Addon Plugin


Add useful referrer information to emails sent via any Contact Form 7 contact forms on your WordPress website. Based on the Enhanced WordPress Contact Form plugin by Yoast.

Main features are:
* Add website referrer(s) links.
* Pages visited on your website.
* Search engine keywords used (if referrer was a search engine).


Can be modified to only replace [referrer] tags by uncommenting line 148 and commenting line 150. May be useful if you want to restrict which contact forms send referrer information and which don’t.


  1. Simply activate the plugin and the referrer information will automatically be added to your CF7 emails.


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„Contact Form 7 Referrer Addon Plugin“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


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