

Tutón tykač je so dnja 12. januara 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


12. měrca 2020
Configure SMTP is a staple of setting up a useful WordPress website, I would call it "a household name" for WP installations (if there's any such thing as household names in this area). Anyway, what a helpful, simple and great Plugin. Thank you, great work, @Scott_Riley!
19. měrca 2019
Most of my users and customers ask me: why my mails are not being sent? Why some mails sent from my site do not arrives? The problem are spam filters and things like this, so SMTP is a basic tool to operate a site or ecommerce. I have used many plugin to do this task but none like this. This solves the problem in an easy and functional way.
4. januara 2018
There are some minor warnings under php7. See here for the fix: Hopefully the author will be back to fix the warnings correctly.
1. nowembra 2017
this is the only SMTP plugin that is working woth contact form 7 . so don't wast your time with other alternative plugins , this one is the best and still working like a charm.
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