Conditional Widgets


IMPORTANT: This plugin will NOT function after the Widgets screen overhaul that is part of WordPress 5.8 unless you use the Classic Widgets plugin ( The plugin will continue to be supported/maintained for those using Classic Widgets, but there are no plans to make Conditional Widgets work once Widgets are Blocks.

This plugin adds a form to each widget on the Widgets panel which allows users to choose which pages and/or categories the widget is either displayed on or hidden from.

For each widget, you can choose criteria to either SHOW or HIDE the widget, based on a number of categories. The interface is quite intuitive, and requires no knowledge of php or conditional tags.

Fota wobrazowki

  • Each widget gets an expandable form at the bottom of it for controlling display options on the home page and for both pages and categories.


Standard Installation Procedure

  1. Upload the cets-conditional-widgets folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress


24. awgusta 2020
I have been looking for such a widget for some time, and found it today. It is working with wp 5.5. Thank you for the plugin.
5. apryla 2019
Very useful plugin, light, easy to use for customizing each category widget, or page too, it works very well. Thanks -:)
25. awgusta 2018
Hi, I see that this plugin is no longer followed by its developer for a long time, to delete?
Čitajće 24 pohódnoćenjow

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„Conditional Widgets“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


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Protokol změnow


  • Tested through version 6.5.5


  • Added message to readme explaining the future of Conditional widgets after WordPress 5.8


  • Improved string translatability (Props @alexclassroom)


  • New Features: Hide on Desktop / Hide on Mobile. (Note that using either of these options will immediately hide the widget when the condition is true, and any other options to ‚show‘ will be ignored.
  • Fixes lots of small bugs related to the display of the widget control form


  • Major update of code formatting to better align with WordPress style and guidelines – props @cFoellmann
  • Support Conditional Widgets toggle JavaScript on the Customize screen


  • Attempted to resolve the strict warnings
  • IMPORTANT! If updating in a MultiSite/Network environment, you’ll need to visit the dashboard of every site for the plugin to continue to work properly. If you have a large network, consider using my helper plugin:


  • Major Rewrite: modified how settings are stored.


  • Added an additional checkbox for ALL pages/categories to, once again, make the UI even easier to understand


  • Added VERY basic string translation support
  • Tweaked UI surrounding pages/categories to be easier to understand


  • Only display the informative debugging text when WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY is true
  • More verbose informative debugging text


  • Fixed a bug surrounding the extra conditional checks on some configurations (Thanks, mmcginnis!)
  • Added debugging and informative statements while WP_DEBUG is enabled


  • Added support for Posts Pages (when using Static Front Page)


  • Added support for saving options on Widgets that didn’t otherwise have options


  • Added option for Tag Archives (by request)


  • Added options for Search, 404, Date Archives, and Author Archives


  • Small edit to play nicely with some other plugins and their additional processing


  • Basic bug fixes: resolved some warnings and errors. (Sorry for the inconvenience.)


  • Initial Release