Avoid those pesky blank page with an error message like “please fill out required fields” then loosing your/users comment info. This plugin aims to help by adding validation to the comment form. When a user submits the form and something is missing, an appropiate message is displayed and individual fields are highlighted. When the email or url is in an incorrect format, a message is displayed accordingly. Requires the user to have javascript activated.
Why should you install it? Because you care for comments and want to help users reduce mistakes that hold them off from commenting at all.
Whats the technology used? jQuery and the jQuery Validation plugin with a few customizations to make it fit into any WordPress theme.
Fota wobrazowki
Follow the steps below to install the plugin.
- Upload the
folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
- Go to Settings/Validation Reloaded to edit your settings.
- Why create this plugin?
Because there is a newer validation script out there, but no updated plugins.
- I think i want to uninstall but…
Just delete the plugin.
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Comment Validation Reloaded“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „Comment Validation Reloaded“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
= Version 0.5 (12/17/14)
- Ready for WordPress 4.1
- Updated validate script to 1.13.1
- Updated CDN URL.
- Cleaned up code.
= Version (12/3/12)
- Dashboard update.
- Feed update.
- Latest validate script.
= Version 0.4.3 (10/25/12)
- Update validate script to latest version.
- Update options in settings page to choose latest external CDN hosted version.
= Version 0.4.2 (08/16/12)
- Updated admin feeds.
= Version 0.4.1 (05/07/12)
- If the cache forlder isn’t writeable, chmod
to avoid errors.
Version 0.4 (04/17/12)
- Fixed jQuery script to run on document ready.
- Updated Sprite
- Updated dashboard cache issues.
Version 0.3.9 (12/25/11)
- Fixed script causing server error on singluar pages.
Version (12/19/11)
- Fixed broken translation output file.
Version 0.3.8 (11/17/11)
- Spelled fields wrong in the filter.
- Updated localization to not output when in english.
Version 0.3.7 (11/15/11)
- Added filter for required fields text
. - Removed
Version 0.3.6 (11/14/11)
- Updated validation script to 1.9.
- Moved inline jQuery into redirect script.
-fixed so script loads after validation function.
Version 0.3.5 (11/8/11)
- Feeds updated.
- WordPress 3.3 check.
Version 0.3.4 (9/8/11)
- Dashboard fix.
Version 0.3.3 (6/23/11)
- [BUG FIX] An error in the dashboard widget is casuing some large images. Sorry. Always escape.
Version 0.3.2 (6/7/11)
- Bug fix for WordPress installs that have
Version 0.3.1 (6/1/11)
- Set up whole plugin for translation.
- New version of validation script version.
- Added translatable jQuery script, please visit settings to change!
- Fixed error when setting validator to external didn’t validate.
- Getting ready for plugin overhaul.
Version 0.3 (4/5/11)
- Updated multiple error when running WP_DEBUG.
- Updated has_cap from
to rolemoderate_comments
. - Updated constants.
- Fixed dashboard cache error.
- Removed outdated javascript that might cause hangups.
Version 0.2.9 (3/30/11)
- Dashboard widget updated.
Version 0.2.8 (2/24/11)
- Removed javscript link causing hang-ups.
Version 0.2.7 (2/9/11)
- Updated the feed parser to comply with deprecated
and useclass-simplepie.php
Version 0.2.6
- Updated version numbers.
- New version for external hosted script.
- Minor update for anchor class.
Version 0.2.5
- Fixed XHTML in author link love.
Version 0.2.4
- Fixed error where external code wasn’t working
- Fixed error Thanks to John Kolbert
- Use of external file will not validate correctly & work 😉
Version 0.2.3
- Added check for singular post with comments open to enqueue scripts and style
- Check for valication version
- Allow for internal or external validation script
- Use internal if having issues (external is a php file with header JS
- Having issues with external javascript (trying to execute with PHP)…
Version 0.2.2
- Setting page version update
- Default version update
Version 0.2.1
- Removed CDN(hosted) library in favor of version 1.7, which isn’t hosted yet.
- Bug fix
Version 0.2
- Using CDN(hosted) library version 1.6
- Added options to admin
Version 0.1
- Initial release.