Allows theme authors to include templates that will be automatically used based on the page’s parent.
For example, adding the file „page-123.php“ to the „child-page-templates“ folder in your theme directory will define the template for all pages that are children of the page with ID #123. You can also do the same thing with the post’s slug.
This template file will be used for all pages that are children of the page with ID #123:
This template file will be used for all pages that are children of the page with the „team“ slug:
- Extract the zip file and drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the plugin from the „Plugins“ page.
- Create a folder in your theme (or child theme, if you use one) called „child-page-templates“
- Add a PHP file named after the slug or ID of the parent page you want to use a custom template for.
- For example: If you want every child page of your „Portfolio“ page to use a particular template file, name that template file „page-portfolio.php“
- Will the child-page-templates folder in my theme directory get overwritten when a new version of my theme is released?
Yes! If you didn’t create your theme yourself, you should definitely be using a child theme.
Your child-page-templates folder will be safe so long as you add it to a theme (or child theme) you created. Even when the parent theme upgrades, your child theme will be untouched.
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Protokol změnow
- First public release