Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Chart Expert


PmZez Chart Expert by http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/

Chart Expert gives some classes to each element when generating, so you can define a custom style by the class and it’s possible to extend the structure directly by D3 and C3.

Go to TinyMCE Editor >> Find chart icon and generate chart .

Plugin Features

  • Eazy to Installation
  • Timeout load another chart
  • All browser supported
  • Chart load form CSV
  • All chart available
  • Lightweight
  • Responsive
    & many More

Youtube :

Live Preview: http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/

  • Create a post / page and then enable TinyMCE , find chart icon and this icon for generate following chart :

    i) Basic

    ii) Advanced

  • Basic :

    1. Insert div ID for plot this chart . Div id may any name like: chart_one, chart_two etc.

    2. Insert CSV file URL that which data you want to plot to chart . That’s why you need to first upload a csv data file with header name .

    3. Select chart type like : Bar, Pie, Donut, Line etc.

  • Advanced : Actually this section for timeout feature : First load data from one CSV file and then default 1 sec later the chart load another CSV data . For more example : http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/

    1. Insert div ID for plot this chart . Div id may any name like: chart_one, chart_two etc.

    2. Insert CSV file URL that which data you want to plot to chart . That’s why you need to first upload a csv data file with header name .

    3. Input timeout period , like 1000 for 1 sec, 5000 for 5 sec .

    4. Insert another CSV file URL that which data you want to plot to chart after default 1 sec later . That’s why you need to first upload a another csv data file with header name . For more example : http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/

    5. Select chart type like : Bar, Pie, Donut, Line etc.

  • Enjoy

Fota wobrazowki

  • example -1

  • example -2

  • example -3

  • example -4

  • example -5


  • Install it as a regular WordPress plugin.

  • After Installed this plugin will work properly.

  • Go to TinyMCE Editor >> Find chart icon and generate chart .

  • Install Chart Expert plugin and active it on WordPress deshboard plugin section.

  • Create a post / page and then enable TinyMCE , find chart icon and this icon for generate following chart :

    i) Basic

    ii) Advanced

  • Basic :

    1. Insert div ID for plot this chart . Div id may any name like: chart_one, chart_two etc.

    2. Insert CSV file URL that which data you want to plot to chart . That’s why you need to first upload a csv data file with header name .

    3. Select chart type like : Bar, Pie, Donut, Line etc.

  • Advanced : Actually this section for timeout feature : First load data from one CSV file and then default 1 sec later the chart load another CSV data . For more example : http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/

    1. Insert div ID for plot this chart . Div id may any name like: chart_one, chart_two etc.

    2. Insert CSV file URL that which data you want to plot to chart . That’s why you need to first upload a csv data file with header name .

    3. Input timeout period , like 1000 for 1 sec, 5000 for 5 sec .

    4. Insert another CSV file URL that which data you want to plot to chart after default 1 sec later . That’s why you need to first upload a another csv data file with header name . For more example : http://pmzez.com/plugins/chart-expert/

    5. Select chart type like : Bar, Pie, Donut, Line etc.

  • Enjoy


3. septembra 2016
For small things this is cool plugin. I’d use it for all csv related files that doesn’t contain too much data. There are also cons * handling time series data is missing * heavy for bigger files, makes browser thinking long Anyway, big thanks for developer. This small, handy thing is in „good to have“ plugin range!
Čitajće 2 pohódnoćeni

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Chart Expert“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow

  • Initial Release – 1.0