Converts the [cdbaby] shortcode into an embed-able CD Baby Music players. Go to the CD Baby Member Page and configure a player with songs, albums, or playlists. Then, grab the code and insert into the WordPress Editor.
Some usage examples
Default (Mini):
[cdbaby type=“square“]56c85363-b435-48b0-9b20-0edffd191681[/cdbaby]
Album Dark:
[cdbaby type=“album“ theme=“dark“]56c85363-b435-48b0-9b20-0edffd191681[/cdbaby]
Full Transparent:
[cdbaby type=“full“ transparenent=“true“]56c85363-b435-48b0-9b20-0edffd191681[/cdbaby]
For an automatic installation through WordPress:
- Go to the ‚Add New‘ plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
- Search for ‚CD Baby Player‘
- Click ‚Install Now‘ and activate the plugin
For a manual installation via FTP:
- Upload the
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in your WordPress admin area
To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:
- Upload the downloaded zip file on the ‚Add New‘ plugins screen (see the ‚Upload‘ tab) in your WordPress admin area and activate.
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Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„CD Baby Embed“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „CD Baby Embed“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
- First release.
- Liberal GUID Check