Note: The Twitter 1.1 API broke this Widget. Trying to fix it is a very low priority, though I may come back to it at some point in the future.
This plugin is a widget to add the Twitter Tools Widgets, including all configurable options, with no need to copy/paste code. The following Twitter Widgets are supported:
* Profile Widget
* List Widget
* Favorites Widget
* Search Widget
Manual installation:
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
Installation using „Add New Plugin“
- From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Plugins -> Add New
- Search for ‚cbnet Twitter Widget‘
- Click the ‚Install‘ button to open the plugin’s repository listing
- Click the ‚Install‘ button
Activiation and Use
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Appearance -> Widgets
- Find the widget titled ‚cbnet Twitter Widget‘
- Add the widget to the widgetized sidebar of your choice
- Configure settings, and save
- What is the Type Setting?
The Type Setting determines what type of Twitter Widget will be displayed:
- Profile: Display tweets from the specified Twitter user
- List: Display tweets from the specified Twitter user’s specified list
- Favorites: Display tweets favorited by the specified Twitter user
- Search: Display tweets that match the specified search query
- What are the General Settings?
The following are the General Settings:
- Title (Heading): Heading that will appear above the displayed widget
- Twitter User ID: User Id for the Twitter user profile you wish to display.
** This setting applies to Widget types „Profile“, „List“, and „Favorites“
** (Note: you can use any Twitter profile, not just your own) - Twitter List: List defined by the Twitter user specified above.
** This setting applies to Widget type „List“
** (Note: you can display Lists from any Twitter user, not just your own) - Search Query: Search query for which you want to display Tweets
** This setting applies to Widget type „Search“ - Title: Title that will appear at the top of the the displayed widget
** This setting applies to Widget types „List“, „Favorites“, and „Search“ - Caption: A short description
** This setting applies to Widget types „List“, „Favorites“, and „Search“
- What are the Advanced Settings – Appearance?
- Poll for New Results: If enabled, updates the displayed tweets in real-time. If disabled, a static list of tweets is displayed.
- Scrollbar: If enabled, displays a scrollbar. If disabled, no scrollbar is displayed.
- Load All Tweets: Loads all tweets (up to the limit specified in the Number of Tweets setting), regardless of time interval.
- Timed Interval: Loads tweets within the interval specified in the Interval setting (up to the limit specified in the Number of Tweets setting).
- Loop Results?: If Timed Interval behavior is selected (I’m not really sure what this setting does, but it somehow loops the displayed tweets).
- Interval: If Timed Interval behavior is selected, defines the interval (in ms?) for which tweets are displayed.
- Number of Tweets: Defines the maximum number of tweets to display.
- Show Avatars?: If enabled, displays user avatars for displayed tweets. If disabled, does not display user avatars.
- Show Timestamps?: If enabled, displays timestamps for each displayed tweet. If disabled, does not display timestamps.
- Show Hashtags?: If enabled, displays hashtags (as links?) in displayed tweets. if disabled, does not display hashtags (as links?).
- What are the Advanced Settings – Colors?
(Note: enter all colors as HEX values, e.g. #ffffff for ‚white‘)
- Shell Background: Color of the container surrounding the displayed tweets
- Shell Text: Color of the text inside the container surrounding the displayed tweets (Title and Caption)
- Tweet Background: Background color of displayed tweets
- Tweet Text: Color of text of displayed tweets
- Tweet Links: Color of links in displayed tweets
- What are the Advanced Settings – Dimensions?
- Width: Width (in pixels) of the widget
- Height: Height (in pixels) of the widget
- Auto-Width: Automatically sets widtth
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„cbnet Twitter Widget“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „cbnet Twitter Widget“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
- Made Plugin translation-ready
- Removed obsolete admin notices
- Compatible with WordPress 3.3.2
- Added notifications for users of the old cbnet Twitter Profile/List/Faves/Search Display Plugins
- Initial Release
- Initial merge of the following plugins:
** cbnet Twitter Profile Display
** cbnet Twitter List Display
** cbnet Twitter Faves Display
** cbnet Twitter Search Display