Carousel for Divi



You can find more demos here.


  • Transform Divi rows to a carousel

  • Transform Divi columns to a carousel

  • Transform Divi blog modules to a carousel

  • [PREMIUM] Add as many carousels per page as you want

  • [PREMIUM] Add auto play feature, to let the carousel change pages automatically

  • [PREMIUM] 3D Carousel 3D Carousel Demo

Official Product Page

Official Documentation



  • Click on blue gear icon to access the Section Settings.
  • Go to Advanced -> CSS ID & Classes -> CSS Class. Here you add the dc-carousel class.

Fota wobrazowki

  • This is a demo of a review carousel.


9. apryla 2024
Simple and effective plugin for making carousels with any Divi module. Moreover, the creator of the plugin, Daniel, was very kind to help me solve the issues I encountered in setting it up. Recommended!
2. awgusta 2023
I needed a simple plugin to make a carousel with columns of a table in DIVI and it has solved the problem perfectly and with more options than I thought.
8. awgusta 2022
Great plugin that adds so much to Divi! As a daily Divi user, I totally appreciate having the option, to add any module to a carousel. Needed to reach support once and Daniel’s response was quick and very supportive.
Čitajće 4 pohódnoćenja

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Carousel for Divi“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • added new features


  • fixed bugs


  • 3D carousel


  • column carousel


  • first version