Using this plugin you can change the WooCommerce product prices in the bulk using two main options
- Change all product prices
- Change prodcut prices of a specific category
Change all product prices:
There are four options for user
* User can increment in all the product prices through currency
* User can increment in all the product prices through percentage
* User can decrement in all the product prices through currency
* User can decrement in all the product prices through percentage
Change Prodcut Prices of a Specific Category
There are four options for user
* User can increment in the specific product category through currency
* User can increment in the specific product category through percentage
* User can decrement in the specific product category through currency
* User can decrement in the specific product category through percentage
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
- Click on the ‚Setting‘ option and then click on the ‚Bulk Update Product Prices‘.
- Can I change all product prices
Yes, you can change all product prices
- Can I change all product prices through category
Yes, you can change all product prices through category
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