Billing Process Engineering for Woo is a powerful solution for customizing your WooCommerce checkout page, providing features such as:
Conditional Field Logic:
Automatically adjust checkout fields based on the type of products in the cart (physical or digital).
Dynamic Field Customization:
Remove unnecessary fields such as company name, order notes, and state/county for digital products, simplifying the checkout experience.
Advanced Field Management:
Make mobile numbers mandatory while keeping email optional for better flexibility.
Shortcode Integration:
Seamlessly convert the WooCommerce checkout page from block to shortcode mode for better compatibility.
Intuitive Settings Panel:
A dedicated and user-friendly panel with all configuration options, including enabling or disabling each feature.
This plugin helps businesses streamline their checkout process and deliver a tailored user experience.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install directly through the WordPress plugins screen. - Activate the plugin via the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress.
- Navigate to BPE Woo Settings in the WordPress admin panel to configure plugin options.
How do I manage checkout field customizations?
Visit the BPE Woo Settings panel in your WordPress dashboard to enable or disable features.
Can I use shortcode for the checkout page instead of blocks?
Yes, you can activate this feature from the plugin settings to switch the WooCommerce checkout page to shortcode mode.
Is it possible to remove additional information and other unnecessary fields?
Yes, the plugin provides options to completely remove these sections.
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Protokol změnow
- Added custom settings panel with icon integration
- Shortcode conversion feature for checkout page
- Option to remove „Additional Information“ section completely
- Conditional removal of State/County for digital products
- Initial release with basic field management and validation features