

Tutón tykač je so dnja 20. septembra 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je na přeco. Přičina: Naprašowanje awtora.


4. nowembra 2020 1 reply
I definately need this for all of my sites. Even, if I still have that annoying Welcome-to-Blockeditor-Popup every time. Basically this plugin is needed by everone, that cares about their data in a decent manner. Saving Block-Editor-settings in a Browser-Cookie just doesn’t work for people, that delete their session-data after each session or just use a different browser. Now I only have to close the pop-up and not go through even more clicking. I consider this plugins-functionality a basic feature which should be integrated to core as it mitigates a really horrible UX with Gutenberg. Thanks a lot!
15. junija 2020
We run 180+ client sites, and don’t want to have to manually turn off fullscreen mode every single time. This plugin is very helpful to us!
30. apryla 2020
Using WordPress for its CMS abilities (for dozens of customers), I never needed or wanted to use the editor in fullscreen mode. So thanks for this plugin – I’d rather be able to opt-out than having this (in my case) very obstructive „feature“ forced upon me.
1. apryla 2020
Thank you for this plugin. I was going to submit my own version, but you killed the game by providing user profiles settings 🙌 Thanks, Jb
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