Better Variation Price for WooCommerce


Better Variation Price for WooCommerce allows you to replace the default price range with either the lowest or highest price. You can completely customize the text displayed for the default price.

Here are the options:
* Display type: Choose to display the default price range, the lowest price, or the highest price
* Display format: This gives you total control on how the price should be displayed. By default, the price will look like this: From: $ 9.90
* Update on variation change: Update the main price with the selected variation’s price, instead of displaying a barely visible price somewhere below the description
* Hide Reset Variations Link: Remove the clear link that appears when you select a variation

Fota wobrazowki


How do I access the settings page?

Settings can be found under WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Better Variation Price
Alternatively, you can access the settings from the installed plugins page


26. nowembra 2022
This plugin is a graceful solution to three problems with the way Woocommerce displays variations by default. Thank you for making a plugin that does the minimum needed and that keeps its settings tucked in the Woocommerce settings.
7. septembra 2022 1 reply
Hi there! Your plugin fits perfectly with the needs I have on a project, congrats!! But I cannot make it work on my side. I am using Bricks builder, but it is notcompatible with your plugin? I changed to another theme and it works properly. How can I make it work on Bricks builder? Thank you for your effort
5. awgusta 2022
Worked like a charm. its a total time saver. Just when i was about to create a plugin for the job, i thought to search for this and presto! it works beautifully
24. februara 2022
I was looking for this for the past two hours. Everyone is writing about showing the price from the lowest or from the highest. But this plugin updates the price of variation product in place of the main price. And on top of that removes the „clear“ link. Perfect. And it’s so easy, just activate and enjoy. Thank you! The only thing I would change or make it optional is the From: before showing the lowest price. I ended up using custom functions.php code to display the lowest variation price instead, because I don’t want the word From: before the price.
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Protokol změnow

1.3.2 [21-01-2025]

  • Fixed an error that occurred when no variation was found under specific conditions
  • Checked compatibility with WooCommerce 9.6

1.3.1 [14-11-2024]

  • Checked compatibility with WordPress 6.7 and WooCommerce 9.4

1.3.0 [17-09-2024]

  • Major update: Added WooCommerce 9.0 and Gutenberg compatibility
  • Added new options on the settings page to customize the price display
  • Modernized the look of the setting page
  • Added compatibility with price ranges inside WooCommerce blocks
  • Refactored parts of the code
  • Added WooCommerce as a requirement (duh)