Allows users to easily switch themes (ideal for allowing light/dark mode).
Theme switcher functionality is made available to users via a widget; settings done via widget administration.
Settings available to display available themes as a list or select drop-down; widget admin allows themes with certain prefix to be excluded and/or to include only themes containing a certain word or part of a word.
As an alternative to using the widget, the function azc_ts_theme_switcher() can be called directly; add ‚dropdown‘ as a parameter to have the select drop-down, instead of the list, of themes returned.
Fota wobrazowki
- Download and extract the azurecurve-theme-switcher plugin files.
- Upload the azurecurve-theme-switcher directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin under the Plugins menu in the WordPress administration panel.
- Add the azurecurve Theme Switcher widget to one of your sidebars (select list/drop down and configure other parameters if required), or call azc_ts_theme_switcher() directly.
- Is this plugin compatible with both WordPress and ClassicPress?
- Yes, this plugin will work with both.
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Protokol změnow
Changes and feature additions for the Theme Switcher plugin:
- Fix issues with format of ul and select
- Move menu to includes folder for easier maintenance
- Update azurecurve menu
- Correct error with widget update under PHP7
- Add azurecurve menu
- Add code from Daniele Scasciafratte (@mte90) to keep user on current page when switching theme
- Add optional theme prefix to ignore (useful for ignoring parent themes)
- Add optional filter to only include themes including supplied value
- Replace deprecated WordPress functions with current ones
- Fork from Theme Switcher