When the plugin is activated, navigate to s2Member – Pro Coupon Codes – Pro-Form Coupon Code Configuration. You will see a new column named Affiliate.
In the Legend below, for the above configuration fields, it is mentioned:
s2Member Pro Coupon Codes checks this field to assign this coupon to the affiliate registered on AffiliateWP. You need to input the Affiliate user login (username).
Also, the s2Member integration is selected in AffiliateWP – Integrations screen.
How to find Affiliate User Login?
Affiliates – Affiliates, select the appropriate affiliate and see the Username field.
Paste that username on the Affiliate column of s2Member Pro Coupon Codes.
Apply Coupon
Once that’s done, apply the coupon through s2Member checkout form and happy tracking!
Fota wobrazowki
Before installation please make sure you have latest AffiliateWP and s2Member Pro installed.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
- I have a feature request. Where can I contact you?
If you have any idea please shoot us email at info@qfnetwork.org
- Where can I get support?
You can post your questions in the support thread. For priority support, please contact us via https://www.qfnetwork.org
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