This plugin will create a tag cloud for a specific author. This will allow a visitor on your site to drill deep down into an author’s specific content.
It uses all of the same parameters as wp_tag_cloud(), but adds an additional one for the author_id. When the author_id is passed an integer of a published author that has tagged his or her posts, a tag cloud will be generated.
It will also create a new permalink structure on your site of
***Note: that you must be using any custom permalink structure for this plugin to function. Also, custom taxonomies is currently not functioning with this version, please look forward for this in a later version.
Before you install this plugin, the site you are planning to use it on must use a custom permalink structure. This plugin will not function on the standard WordPress install and use it you must change your permalink settings.
- Download and upload these files into
directory - In the WordPress Admin goto plugins and activate this plugin
- class the function like this
author_tag_cloud( array(‚author_id‘ => 1) );
You can read more about the parameters this function will accept here: http://www.refactord.com/plugins/author-tag-cloud#parameters
If you have any question please post them here: http://www.refactord.com/plugins/author-tag-cloud
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Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
The plugin has been released. Still needs support for custom taxonomies and only functions on sites using customs permalink structures.