This is an ATH Movil Payment Gateway for WooCommerce that allows customer to pay the merchant using their ATH Movil account.
This plugin is available for free download under a commercial license.
License Details
You are free to download and use this plugin. However, you may not modify, redistribute, or create derivative works based on this plugin without explicit permission from Evertec.
The use of this API and any related documentation is governed by and must be used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use of ATH Móvi Business ®, which may be found at: https://athmovilbusiness.com/terminos.
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Protokol změnow
- Fix Empty Shipping null values in checkout.
- Please don’t mix or add classic checkout and blocks checkout in the same page because will could produce compatibility issues.
- Fix Form Validation to Native for Classic Checkout Version.
- Include Support for Classic Checkout Version.
- Update Plugin Description.
- First stable release, add ATHM integration with WooCommerce Payment Gateway.