

Tutón tykač je so dnja 7. měrca 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je nachwilne, čaka so na dospołne přepruwowanje.


8. meje 2023
Dear Support, WP version: 6.2PHP version: 8.1aspose-doc-exporter: 6.3.1 We got fatal errors: 1) include_once(/var/www/frontend/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/local.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directorywp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/plugin.php:17 2) include_once(): Failed opening '/var/www/frontend/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/local.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php')wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/plugin.php:17 3) file_get_contents(/var/www/frontend/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/.env): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory: wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Store/File/Reader.php:73 file_get_contents()wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Store/File/Reader.php:73 Dotenv\S\F\Reader::readFromFile()wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Store/File/Reader.php:48 Dotenv\S\F\Reader::read()wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Store/FileStore.php:62 Dotenv\Store\FileStore->read()wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/vlucas/phpdotenv/src/Dotenv.php:222 Dotenv\Dotenv->load()wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/plugin.php:22
17. februara 2023
I must admit that I was highly skeptical at first, but the plugin did a fantastic job of importing Microsoft Word .docx files into the WordPress site I'm managing.
29. nowembra 2022 1 reply
No registration (free), no plugin. I've finally end up making the text migration by hand. Don't want to start registering without seeing the plugin's work.
16. septembra 2022 2 replies
I installed; setup and settings, clicked save; then??? Nothing!! I searched for instructions, forum, support, and what: nothing??! Can you at least give us instructions/ faq/ whatever?? This is by far the worst (free) ever. ==== Update- thanks for pointing this out, its an EXCELLENT solution but you need to clarify (anywhere) how to use it.. please its common sense. Now it's 5 stars!
29. awgusta 2022
This plugin works excellently well. Though not stated in its description, it can also export posts to txt format. The plugin gives options for what one wants to export or exclude from exporting, in its settings page. I was able to use this plugin to export my 1111 wordpress posts to txt in less than one minute. Amazingly, this plugin is FREE [as at the time of writing this review]. Great job, Developer.
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