

Tutón tykač je so dnja 15. junija 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


4. decembra 2022
Have been trying for over a month to find an Archive w/ a dropdown option, since my Theme apparently didn’t offer that widget. Select „Option“ under „Format“ dropdown did it for the Annual Archive plugin/widget! \o/ ‘Hippity hip Hoorah‘ \o/
1. decembra 2020
I needed this plugin for a specific issue (archive title syncing with custom decade strings) and Baden -the guy who runs the thing- has been really prompt and effective with his help. Highly recommended!
29. apryla 2020 4 replies
Works. Solves a problem. I will keep it for now. [ Text removed. I was complaining about an issue that finally proved to be caused by core wp files, not this plugin. This plugin is great.]
3. awgusta 2018
This is just was I was looking for. Works perfect and is easy to adjust. I use this text function: [archives type=“yearly“ format=“option“ select_text=“Pick a year“ showcount=“true“]
Čitajće 17 pohódnoćenjow

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„Annual Archive“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


„Annual Archive“ je so do 1 rěče přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.

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