

Tutón tykač je so dnja 27. oktobra 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Přeńdźenje přećiwo směrnicy.


9. apryla 2019
I was told about this plugin at a meetup and decided to give it a try. I typically get around 50-100 spam comments per day on my main website, and a few occasional ones on the rest of my blogs. I have a spam keyword list that helps, but it's still annoying to sift through everything; especially the "I love your blog" comments that keep getting through. This plugin got rid of every single one. The only downside is that it only protects comments. I'll report back with more results.
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„Anti-Spam Zapper for WordPress“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
