

Tutón tykač je so dnja 4. apryla 2023 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


15. apryla 2021
Super simple plugin what does what it should. Please don't let it die out!
18. awgusta 2020
I've been working to provide an interactive calendar for a sports club. The league provides an iCal feed and this plugin is the best calendar viewer that I could find. The documentation is great with the excellent examples that show you how to achieve the presentation you want. After the 5.5 update there was a small issue with one of the configurations - anmari responded promptly and the issue was fixed. I can highly recommend this plugin.
15. měrca 2019
I needed something that could pull in an ics feed from my other Events plugin and be styled for print. This plugin was perfect and the support has been swift!
3. septembra 2016
Beyond expectations. I cannot stress how much I love this widget.
Čitajće 16 pohódnoćenjow

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