Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Folder Excluder for AIO WP Migration


This plugin provides functionality to exclude extra folders like Updraft, WpBackup etc from been backed up in All in One WP Migration backup tool. This will speed up the backup process and reduce the size of the backup.

  • It’s a fully open source plugin. Enjoy!

Version 3.0

Removed some icons that Servmask guys think its theirs 👎🏻

Version 2.3

  1. Updated the instructions to exclude the folder(s) which might confusing some people

Version 2.2

  1. Updated for WordPress 5.2

Version 2.1

  1. Minor fixes for the bugs
  2. Speed improvement
  3. Added numbers to the folders listings
  4. More clear instructions

Thank you!

Fota wobrazowki


2. decembra 2020
I was able to reduce the size from 3 GB to 900 Mb by excluding some big sized folders. Thank you for such a great open-source plugin.
10. meje 2020
Needed to exclude a LOT of backup directories from All-in-One WP Migration. All-in-One WP Migration Folder Excluder was exactly what I needed. The backup went from 3.3 GB to 340 MB. Thanks!
4. junija 2019 1 reply
Thanks a lot. Might be good to say that the folders are relative to wp-content. Thanks
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