This plugin requires AffiliateWP to be installed and activated on your site. It will NOT function without it.
AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-on adds a newsletter signup checkbox to your AffiliateWP affiliates sign up page, this enables your affiliate to be added to your GetResponse campaign.
An admin can also choose whether to add an affiliate to the newsletter when adding a new affiliate from the WordPress admin.
To export registered Affiliates to your GetResponse campaign, click the „Tools“ sub-menu.
What is AffiliateWP?
AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress e-commerce and membership platforms. It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use.
Suggestions / Feature Request
If you have suggestions or a new feature request, feel free to get in touch with me via the contact form on my website here
You can also follow me on Twitter! @tubiz
To contribute to this plugin feel free to fork it on GitHub AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On on GitHub
Fota wobrazowki
Automatic Installation
- Login to your WordPress Admin area
- Go to „Plugins > Add New“ from the left hand menu
- In the search box type „AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On“
- From the search result you will see „AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On“ click on „Install Now“ to install the plugin
- A popup window will ask you to confirm if you want to install the Plugin.
- Click „Proceed“ to continue the installation. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
- If successful, click „Activate Plugin“ to activate it.
- To configure the plugin visit the AffiliateWP GetResponse Settings section below.
Manual Installation
- Download the plugin zip file
- Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on „Plugins > Add New“ from the left hand menu.
- Click on the „Upload“ option, then click „Choose File“ to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press „OK“ and press the „Install Now“ button.
- Activate the plugin.
- To configure the plugin visit the AffiliateWP GetResponse Settings section below.
AffiliateWP GetResponse Settings
To configure the AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On plugin
1. Open the settings page for AffiliateWP and click the „Integrations“ tab.
2. Scroll down a bit and you will see a section for „AffiliateWP GetResponse Settings“.
2. Configure your „AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On“ settings. See details below.
- Enable/Disable – check the box to enable AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On. This adds a checkbox on the Affiliate signup page for affiliates to signup for your campaign.
- Checkbox Label – allows you to set a custom label that affiliates will see telling them to subscribe to your newsletter
- GetResponse API Key – enter your GetResponse API key here. You can get if from here. You need to enter this for the plugin to work.
- Campaigns – select the campaign list you want your affiliates to be subscribed to.
- Click on Save Changes for the changes you made to be effected.
- What Do I Need To Use The Plugin
You need to have the AffiliateWP plugin installed and activated on your WordPress site.
To export registered Affiliates to your GetResponse campaign, click the „Tools“ sub-menu.
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„AffiliateWP GetResponse Add-On“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
- Fix: Already registered user not being added to GetResponse when signing up as an Affiliate
- Fix: Set contact cycle for new subscriber
- Initial release