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Advanced and Creative addons bundle for WPBakery Page Builder . As you may know WPBakery Page Builder That is the most easiest page builder ever made. So for making it easier and stronger, we are here with A collection tons of beautiful and stylish Visual Composer addon element to use present your website lively. There are different options to allow you to change its color, font size, Fontawesome Icon and many more to explore in it. Try, Hope you may like it.
- Advanced Tabs(new*)
- Advanced Woo Products Slider (Grid View)(New*)
- Advanced Woo Products (Grid View)(New*)
- Advanced News Ticker
- Advanced Flip Box 3d(image/icon or both)
- Advanced Flip Box 2 Side(image/icon or both)
- Advanced Flip Box 1 Side
- Advanced Image Hover Effects
- Advanced Pricing List(New*)
- Advanced Team Member
- Advanced Profile Card
- Advanced Info Box
- Advanced Service Box
- Advanced Testimonial
- Advanced Testimonial Slider
- Advanced Light Box
- Advanced Post Slider
- Advanced Post-Gird View
- Advanced Button
- Social Button (Upcoming)
- Powerfull Shortcodes.
- Fully responsive and multiple layouts support.
- Full-width, Full-screen and Boxed Layout.
- Super smooth hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback.
- Unlimited Colors.
- Very detailed documentation with examples.
- Unlimited variations of usage.
- Free updates and support.
- Option for adding a deep link to a specified slide.
- Working in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE7-11, Opera.
- Working in mobile browsers (Android, iOS and et.)
- Responsive, full-width, full size or fixed dimensions layout.
- Option for prev / next buttons or bullets.
- With the slider you can add for the images title and description.
- SEO friendly.
- Easy user interface.
- Works with any theme.
Fota wobrazowki
Installing this Visual Composer Addon plugin as regular wordpress plugin. First you need to install WPBakery Page Builder formerly Visual Composer plugin then install Advanced WpBakery Addons – Formerly Visual Composer Page Builder.
This addon plugin works like other page builder addon plugin. Go to new page then click on WPBakery Page Builder builder then click on Add Element you should see Name „Advanced Elements“ on Menu Top, click on it you will see 10+ elements as mentioned above.Choose your needy elemnt and then click on it and fill all content and customize according to your needs.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Advanced WpBakery Page Builder Addons“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „Advanced WpBakery Page Builder Addons“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
- Newly Before-After Image, Count Down, History Tree, Animated text,Animated Image,Promo Box, Banner Added.
- bug On Flip Box 2 was fixed
- News Ticker scrolling speed controller added
- Added oogle font option in some element
- Advanced Animated Text Element Added. To fix the blog layout conflict with some theme added a global style.
- Advanced Button,Info Box,Price List added , Tab Bug Fixed,Blog Post by category added.
- Advanced Tabs Added New awesome Layout And Some Modification
- Circle Image Hover effects is added with 3 style (More are upcoming)
- Two New Style Added to Advanced Blog Post
- Some Elements facility upgraded Like Row Gap Selector, Testimonial Rating,Image,Position Text enabeled/disabeled facilty etc like this.
- Srinking Font Size Bug Fixed(css code was making all paragraph text 12px. That solve.)
- Added News Ticker including Rss Feed(3 style)
- Added 3 New Woo Product Slider style (Grid View)
- Added New Woo Product Slider (Grid View)
- Some Css Code Updated
- css bug fixed
- woo bug fixed
- 7 New advanced Woo products style added. (Product Grid View)
- Advanced Woo products added. (Product Grid View)
- In blog slider icon size and color
- Advanced Tab Conflicting Bug Fixed
- Added Animated Advanced Tabs
- Added Two Advanced Price List Style
- css updated
- Two New Advanced Pricing List style Added
- Tested and Passed to the WordPress Version 5.0
- Advanced pricing Css conflict solved
- Advanced Pricing List Added
- Advanced Post Slider element Added
- Advanced Copy To Clicpboard element Button Added
- Advanced Button element Added
- Post and Post Slider Code Optimized
- Css Conflict Bug Fixed(row moving left SOLVED)
- Testimonial Slider Added and minor bug in post layouts is fixed
- Light Box Element Added